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The Silverchair Universe Presents TrendMD: Content Marketing for Scholarly Publishers

Silverchair Universe Webinars
Content marketing – the creation and development of unique stories and informative pieces, strategically disseminated through blogs, social media, webinars, podcasts, and videos – has replaced traditional advertising in nearly every industry. Scholarly publishers have a unique advantage in adapting to this trend, since the product itself is rich with content that can capture and hold the attention of a clearly defined audience and inspire them to action. This session will focus on content marketing strategy for scholarly publishers and how publishers are using TrendMD to engage their readers. Bert Carelli of Trend MD will be joined by Colleen Scollans of Clarke & Esposito (Marketing & Digital Transformation Practice Lead) and Anand Rao, Technical Editor and Science Communicator at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).
February 2021